Air Conditioning

Ready to upgrade your home cooling experience? As brutal as Northeast winters can be, summers can be just as rough. An old or malfunctioning air conditioning system can be rough on the electric bill. Perhaps you have window units that need to be lugged from basement/attic to various rooms, where they never quite sit evenly or properly seal - or worse, often leak all over your home, sometimes causing more money in damages than it would cost to install central air.

If you're ready to ditch the old and cool down with the new, we've got you covered with exceptional brands, expertly installed to meet your needs.

We service and repair all major brands of air conditioning units and heat pump systems. Regular maintenance plans are available.

Ductless Mini Splits

Mini Splits are an excellent solution for many applications. Because they both heat and cool the space they're in, they can save you a ton of money in installation costs. When adding or converting a space in your home such as basement, attic or garage into a living space, a mini split system can spare you the cost of rerouting ductwork and/or piping as well as upgrading the main unit in order to heat or cool the space. They can also be a simple fix for that one space in your house that is always just too hot or cold compared to the rest of the home. 

Modern mini split systems are very energy efficient, despite running off of electric. We install Fujitsu brand mini split systems and offer regular maintenance plans. We also service and repair additional brands.